
Pursue Carbon Neutrality together with Our Clients

We identify the materiality based upon our management philosophy with the perspectives of SDGs and ESGs. We contribute to our society by solving the challenges therein through activities in and out of the business and pursue building the sustainable society.


Six Materialities

In March 2021, we reviewed the materiality with more focus on SDGs and ESGs. An internal task force was formed with 12 task members regardless of age or gender from the various departments for the review process. The task members exchanged their opinions on what our company should be and how the society is and identified 6 particularly important materialities. Each and every of employees keeps aware of those materialities and contributes to our society by solving the challenges therein through their activities in and out of the businesses and pursue building the sustainable society.

Realizing a safe global environment for future generations

Advancing the mobility society by introducing new values

Mutual development through co-creation with partners

In symbiotic relationship with local communities

Respecting human rights and strengthening foundation of human resources

Continuation of sound business operations